“I’m good.”
It’s a lie we often tell ourselves. Why? To avoid the fear and uncertainty that comes from owning the fact that things aren’t quite what we’d hoped. That we’re terrified of leaving the comfort of a “passable,” yet mediocre existence in the name of embracing the pursuit of our own personal legend.
That’s what this week’s GLP Riff is all about, inspired by a specific passage from Paulo Coelho’s legendary book, The Alchemist.
Along the way, we offer up a question and an invitation. Are you really okay? Is this the life you really want to be living? Test your assumptions. We’ll show you how in today’s Good Life Project Riff.
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The 108: Conscious Business Collective -To build what you’re here to build, not just in business but in life, you need people. Nobody…NOBODY…does it alone. The 108 is a conscious business collective of entrepreneurs helping each other rise. More than 70% of the spots are already filled and more applications are coming in every day. Move into 2017 with a powerful new family of allies, mentors, champions and collaborators as you work to build a living and a life on a profoundly different level.