Today’s episode is special, it’s a unique meditation deep dive that brings together the deep, research-driven insights from Daniel Goleman, best known for his work on Emotional Intelligence, as well as his book, Altered Traits. Daniel takes us into the science behind meditation and also asks a surprising question – what if popular wisdom and science about meditation were wrong? Goleman reveals powerful new truths about meditation, what it really is and isn’t, and how only about 1% of the 6,000+ studies done on the topic are what might be considered “good science.”
We then turn it over to Sharon Salzberg, renowned meditation and loving-kindness teacher and founder of Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. She travels the world teaching people how to become aware and cultivate loving-kindness in their lives and has been doing so for decades. Sharon also recently partnered with Dan Harris to bring her latest venture to life, 10% Happier, an exciting new app that builds on Dan’s book, 10% Happier.
And finally, I’ll take the meditation reigns for our Act 3, guiding you through a special blended mindful body scan and loving-kindness meditation.
I hope you enjoy this meditation deep-dive. And if you loved this episode, be sure to share it around, and listen to the full-length conversations with Daniel and Sharon, linked below
You can find Daniel Goleman at: Website | First Person Plural: EI & Beyond podcast
You can find Sharon Salzberg at: Website | Instagram | Metta Hour podcast
If you LOVED this episode:
- You’ll also love the full-length conversations we had with Daniel Goleman and Sharon Salzberg.
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