Rae Hoffman: Finding The Blessing In The Unthinkable

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Rae Hoffman is legend in the online world.

Known as a brilliant digital strategist, affiliate marketer and CEO who goes by the moniker “Sugarrae,” she pulls no punches and speaks and writes with a lot of color. You never have to guess where you stand with her.

But, that’s not what we’re here to talk about today…

Behind this hard-driving exterior is a woman with an extraordinary heart. And a career that was launched from a place of unimaginable pain.

Fifteen years ago, Rae gave birth to her first son, C.J.. The delivery was uneventful, but shortly after, Rae started to notice something wasn’t right. At first she was brushed off by her pediatrician as having “new mom’s syndrome” and told she needed to relax. But then, the seizures came.

Even then, it was initially diagnosed as a treatable seizure disorder. He’d need to be medicated for life, but he’d be okay.

What happened next, nobody saw coming.

Something that would change the course of Rae’s life in a profound way. And also lead to a radical change in careers, from a waitress barely getting by to a self-taught digital phenom who learned what she had to in order to provide for her family’s skyrocketing medical needs.

CJHoffmanBigAs last year drew to a close, having never spoken a word but changed so many peoples’ lives, C.J. passed away. And true to form, Rae found a way to turn his life into an extraordinary lesson.

Join Rae and I as we dive deep into her heart-wrenching, but powerfully-inspiring story. This is the second-time we’ve ever split a story into a two-part series here. But as we looked at Rae’s story and the deep wisdom that came out of her experience, there was just nothing we could cut.

So, please enjoy Part 1. We’ll air Part Two next week.

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