A Radically Holistic Take on Greatness | Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes

When you hear the term “greatness,” what do you think? For most people, images of world-class athletes, innovators, performers, leaders or industry or arts come to mind. The best of the best in any field. Those who push harder than anyone and everyone else and succeed on a scale most can only dream of. But, what if that’s not actually greatness at all? What if greatness was more about how you show up in your life, and lead with service and humanity? That’s the argument that my dear friend, New York Times best-selling author, keynote speaker, industry-leading show host, and former pro-athlete, Lewis Howes, makes. 

“Greatness,” according to Lewis, “is about service to other people in the pursuit of your dreams, making sure that everyone else wins around you while you’re winning and empowering people around you while you grow and succeed.”

Driven to fill an inner void, Lewis spent much of the first 35 years of his life on a relentless quest to be the best in the world at whatever he said yes to. He was driven to succeed and, did, in fact, end up performing at astonishing levels. Building a tremendous business, representing the United States on the global stage as an athlete, and checking all the societally ordained success boxes. Until he realized, he was driven almost entirely by his own sense of woundedness and pain, and all the external accomplishments weren’t healing any of it, or making him feel the way he wanted to feel. This led him on a quest to find out how to not just pursue, but also reimagine and reclaim the very notion of greatness as something profoundly more rooted in expression, generosity, and service. 

After years of failed attempts to fill the void, he learned about Pursuing Holistic Greatness, which is about service to others and growing in a meaningful mission. He has been dedicated to understanding, studying, living and embodying it ever since. He believes that success alone will not bring joy, but we must also fulfill our inner peace, free ourselves emotionally and mentally, and have clarity on what direction we want to go in. Only then can we live our highest version of ourselves and be the best version of ourselves. Many of these ideas are detailed in his new book, The Greatness Mindset: Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Live Your Best Life Today. We dive into key elements in a powerful and revealing way in today’s conversation.

You can find Lewis at: Website | The School of Greatness podcast | The Daily Motivation podcast

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