Jason Wachob: Turning Your Pain Into Your Calling

 src=jason-wachob-ceodinnerLiving the life of a fast-paced startup road-warrior, Jason Wachob was in pain.

His lifestyle and job wreaked havoc on his body, specifically his spine. As he tells it:

“A few years ago, I was running an organic cookie company and flying over 150,000 miles a year. I was fit, but I wasn’t well: I had two extruded discs in my lower back, which were pressing on my sciatic nerve. (Translation: excruciating pain.)”

After trying nearly everything “mainstream” and being told he needed surgery, he decided to go a different direction.

He embraced yoga and began to change his lifestyle. He changed his nutrition, ate organic and focused on foods that fueled health and reduced, rather than stoked inflammation.

Slowly, painstakingly he rebuilt his health. Jason shares how, with each passing week, he could feel the pain retreating slowly from his toes back up his leg and into its point of origin in his hip, until finally it cleared entirely.

mindbodygreen-logoThat experience didn’t just set in motion a personal transformation, it ignited a calling. To build a global community around wellness with a focus on mindset (Mind), movement (Body) and nutrition (Green). From that seed of an idea, MindBodyGreen.com was born. It’s now grown into one of the internet’s top resources for wellness, with millions of people visiting every month.

In this week’s episode, we go deep into Jason’s journey. We explore his personal metamorphosis and how that inspired a radical change in vocation. And, then we get very real about the life of a startup entrepreneur and how that can war with wellness.

We talk about what it’s like to work intensely, fueled by passion but also mindful of health. We talk about how building a company affects your closest relationships. He shares how what was supposed to be a 6-month “proof window” turned into two years and how this quest was floated financially by his wife’s career, based on belief in a vision.

We explore the idea of risk and how to build a culture that doesn’t just value business growth, but also supports the ability for every person to live the life you promote. And we talk about the importance of having people around you who not only share your values and vision, but believe in your ability to make it happen.

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With gratitude,


P.S – Jason mentions a Bob Dylan quote toward the end. Here’s the actual quote ““A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do.”

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