Adam Alter: How Hidden Influences Control Your Life

 src=AdamAlterHeadshotWhat if the color of your office changed how you behaved? What if it made you more aggressive or totally chill? What if it made you more creative or shut you down?

Turns out, it does! And that’s not all…

There are things and interactions that happen all around us, all day that radically alter both how we experience the world and…gulp…who WE are on a moment-to-moment basis. They influence nearly every decision we make and, in turn, the way the world either rallies to or walks away from us.

Today’s guest, NYU professor and author of New York Times bestseller Drunk Tank Pink, Adam Alter, reveals 9 ways you interact with the world that massively influence nearly every decision you make.


And, here’s the scary part, you’re likely aware of very few of them, but those who want to influence you may be tapping them to influence your decisions all day long.

In fact, a bit later in the episode, when this becomes apparent, Adam and I get into a really interesting conversation about the ethics of both the things he’s revealing and the way some people might choose to use the book.

One thing’s for sure, the better you understand how you interact with your environment and with people, the better armed you become to make “aware” choices that empower you to live a better, more fulfilled life.

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