Reinvent Yourself | Spark Your Work

What if your work could make you come alive? What if it could fill you with meaning, purpose, and excitement like you’re fully accessing and expressing all parts of yourself and stepping into your fullest potential? Like you’re doing the thing you’re here to do. We call this state being “sparked.” The first step isn’t about big, painful or disruptive change. It’s about knowing yourself better, discovering your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive – your Sparketype®

In today’s episode, we’re taking you deep into the world of the Sparketypes and exploring how to discover yours, then tap it to reimagine and redesign the way you contribute to the world, whether it’s the thing you get paid for, the thing you do because you’re called to it, the thing you do on the side or some blend, on a quest to get as close as you can, or at least a lot closer than you are now, to this feeling of aliveness.

Have you discovered your Sparketype yet? Take the Sparketype Assessment™ now. IT’S FREE and takes about 7-minutes to complete. At a minimum, it’ll open your eyes in a big way. It also just might change your life.

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  • Kettle & Fire: Kettle & Fire’s bone broth is made with all organic ingredients and bones from 100% grass-fed cows. Go to and use promo code GOODLIFE, to receive 20% off.
  • Nutrafol: Improve hair growth with added sleep and stress benefits. Go to and use promo code GLP to get 20% off. Plus FREE shipping on every order.
  • FitTrack: Understand your body better.  Track 21+ Health Vitals Daily. Stop measuring weight and start measuring health with FitTrack! Go to to take 50% off your order.  PLUS – for a limited time – you’ll also save an additional 10%.

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