Terri Cole: Real Love, Where It’s Hiding

Love. It’s one of the most important fillers of our Connection Buckets. But, then there’s this special “type,” some people call it “real love.”

We got to wondering what that even means, and why so many people seem unable to “find and keep it.” So, we asked GLP friend, Terri Colelicensed psychotherapist, meditation expert and founder of The Real Love Revolution to drop some wisdom in a very special guest riff this week.

For two decades, Terri has worked with some of the world’s most well-known personalities from international pop stars, athletes, Broadway performers and TV personalities to thought-leaders and Fortune 500 CEOs. She empowers over one hundred thousand women weekly through her published articles and blog posts, therapeutic meditations, online courses, and her popular Hello Freedom podcast.

In this week’s Guest Riff, she’s got some contrarian advice about finding and keeping real love, along with a set of specific questions that might reveal how to invite more of it into our lives!

Be sure to check out her Real Love Revolution for a deeper dive!

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