Debbie Millman: Imagine Immensities [Best of]

Debbie Millman is a creative, design and storytelling force of nature.

Millman was drawn into the world of news and print in her early twenties, cultivating an appetite for artful communication, storytelling and news. By her early thirties, though, life had dealt a series of challenges.

In quick succession, she found herself without a job or a sense of purpose, bound by her own self-loathing. Unlocking and even mining that negative cycle, though, was the key to her turnaround.

She started down a path of discovery that would lead to a series of serendipitous adventures, eventually becoming a leading voice in the world of design, branding and media, and co-founding and chairing the Masters in Branding Program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She’s also hosted the acclaimed Design Matters podcast for 11 years, which was a major inspiration for our show.

As Debbie shares in this conversation, you “have to create your own happiness.”

On this “Best Of” episode of Good Life Project, Debbie Millman gets real about living with uncertainty, creativity and freedom, diving into the world of design, art and media.

And, as we reflect on the year behind us, and think about the year to come, she reminds us to imagine immensities, then make them happen.

We first aired this conversation in April 2014. I’m so excited to share this “Best Of” episode with you now.

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The 108: Conscious Business Collective – Entrepreneurship can be stiflingly lonely. To build what we’re here to build, not just in business but in life, we need people. Nobody does it alone. Which is why we’ve created The 108, a conscious business collective of entrepreneurs helping each other rise.

Applications are being reviewed on a rolling basis, members are taking their places in the collective now, and the it all officially goes live on January 1, 2017. So get your application in now! Move into 2017 with a powerful new family of allies, mentors, champions and collaborators as you work to build a living and a life on a profoundly different level.

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