Mark Nepo: Being Faithful to the Truth of the Journey


This week’s guest, Mark Nepo, is a renowned poet, philosopher, author, master storyteller and spiritual teacher.

He has appeared numerous times on Oprah, his Book of Awakening was a #1 New York Times bestseller.

Mark originally appeared on the show about a year ago, where we explored his bigger life story, how cancer forever changed him, physically, psychologically and spiritually and his relationship with faith and spirituality.

In this episode, we invite Mark Nepo back to explore a different topic; living in a rapidly changing world, poetry as truth and life, not just words and how we’re called to live and lead. This year is also a special year as Mark has released two books, The One Life 


We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart and the three-part collection of 20 years of his original poems and essays, The Way Under the Way: The Place of True Meeting.

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